It’s Been a Long Time

So it’s been quite a while since I last posted. I just updated the website theme today. I just haven’t felt like posting. I think I’m going to go for a Tumblr type format, just posting stuff I find interesting and random thoughts. I might switch over to Twitter or Tumblr entirely. Not quite sure yet.

I’m going on a trip to Vermont this weekend and will be there through New Year’s. It’ll be nice to get away for a little while at the end of the year.

I will probably join a gym (for real) next month. Yes, like millions of other people my New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. I’m certainly not fat – I’m 5’11” and 180 lbs and my BMI is 25.1, just barely overweight. I would like to cut down to 165 lbs through fat loss and gain 10 lbs in muscle, up to around 175 lbs, and just maintain it there. So lots of cardio first, then weights later. Modest achievable goals I think. 6-pack by next summer!

I’ve been following Jeremy Lin religiously. I watch every almost every single Rockets game. I’ve been getting into cable shows since every network show I liked has been cancelled or is ending, like The Office. I’ve caught up on The Walking Dead, Dexter, and Homeland over the last few months.

Anyway, I hope everyone’s Christmas was merry and wish everyone a happy new year. The world didn’t end but wait until the fat lady sings, 2012 ain’t over just yet! ;-)







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