Category: Politics

  • Obama’s 30 Minute Infomercial

    Any Presidential campaign with enough money to pull something like this off would jump at the chance to do it. Obama’s campaign is unrivaled in size, depth, scope, and coherence. That’s been made possible by millions of ordinary people donating to his campaign, completely shattering fundraising records. McCain would be an absolute hypocrit if he…

  • Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

    He makes a very well articulated statement on why he supports Barack Obama as opposed to John McCain. Colin Powell on Meet the Press (MSNBC)

  • Do People Even Realize…

    That George W. Bush is one of the worst Presidents we’ve had in history (if not the worse)? In his 8-year tenure, he has utterly failed in every respect. This country is so much worse than it was 8 years ago that’s it’s really just downright sad. People can do their own research but let…

  • Vote This November

    This is one of the most important elections of our time and I encourage everyone to get out there and vote. My views are pretty clear on this blog but whatever your views are, you should vote. Register now if you’re not registered. Make sure your address is updated with your state and you know…

  • Presenting… Sarah Palin

    These videos speak for themselves. You should be terrified by the idea that if McCain is elected, Palin could very well become President of the United States. She is completely unqualified and the McCain campaign has hid her from the press precisely because she’s unintelligible. By the way, Palin’s favorability numbers are going down the…

  • Two U.S. Carrier Groups Head to Taiwan for Elections

    Taiwan is holding it’s presidential election this weekend and the United States has sent 2 aircraft carrier battle groups to the Taiwan region for training exercises. The U.S. has typically deployed carrier battle groups around Taiwan to basically discourage China from doing anything “provocative”. If you’re not familiar, China as repeatedly stated that Taiwan is…

  • What Governs Private Military Contractors? Bush Answers

    I thought this was funny and sad at the same time. This guy is ridiculous. Check the video:

  • Congress, Democrats = Useless

    Can the Democrats stop being such wussies and actually get something done? They need to stop issuing subpoenas that get ignored or threatening contempt charges and instead actually take action! When is anyone going to take this administration to task and impeach Bush and Co. for their numerous crimes and transgressions? Democrats like to talk…

  • LisaNova does George Bush

    There are a couple of fairly entertaining people making videos on Youtube and LisaNova is definitely one of them. Here’s her most recent video which I enjoyed:

  • FBI Admits to Illegal Abuse of Power

    So the FBI admits to illegally using it’s expanded power granted by the USA Patriot Act. What a damn surprise. Isn’t this one of the major reasons all the critics of the Patriot Act bring up? There’s no oversight. There’s so much potential for abuse of power. I’m sorry but you can’t simply “trust” these…