Category: Politics
Disfunctional Government
I haven’t really been an observer of our government for that long, maybe 10 years, but I’ve never seen it so bad. It really does appear that nothing can get done unless the Democrats have the White House AND super majorities in both the Senate and the House. When Republicans have majorities, stuff still gets…
Rick Perry Fail. LOL. Oops!
This is absolutely hilarious and cringeworthy at the same time. So embarrassing! Dude, good luck running for.. uh.. uh.. what was it.. uh.. oh yeah! PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Intervention in Libya? No.
I read articles like Discord Fills Washington on Possible Libya Intervention and I think to myself, “why the hell do we think we have the right to intervene in another sovereign country’s internal affairs?” Yes, we are the lone superpower and consume a disproportionate amount of the world’s natural resources. So that comes with a…
Sarah Palin is a F**king Retard
From Colbert Report, enjoy:
Democrats Are Useless
Why capitulate to Republicans when you don’t have to? Can the party grow a spine? If Republicans won’t be part of the solution, then just roll over them!
Joe Lieberman = Slimeball
Every time I see a picture or video of this guy, I instantly think “slimeball”. I think the Democratic caucus should kick him out. He campaigned for John McCain and attacked Obama. This guy couldn’t get the Democratic nomination for his senate seat so he went Independent. Yes, he’s traditionally voted with Democrats but this…