Tag: impeachment

  • 35 Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush

    http://kucinich.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=93581 Bill Clinton got impeached for lying about the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. Bush lied to the whole country and the world to justify launching a costly, poorly planned, preemptive, and ILLEGAL war. The US invaded a sovereign nation that posed no threat, in violation of domestic and international law and the UN charter. Regardless…

  • Congress, Democrats = Useless

    Can the Democrats stop being such wussies and actually get something done? They need to stop issuing subpoenas that get ignored or threatening contempt charges and instead actually take action! When is anyone going to take this administration to task and impeach Bush and Co. for their numerous crimes and transgressions? Democrats like to talk…