Tag: work
Back to Work
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. My break was definitely a much needed rest. I actually attended a wedding on Thanksgiving with my family so the food was great. I slept in everyday from Thursday to Sunday, which was really nice. Overall, it was a good rest and helped clear my head. But it’s…
Despite the Recession
I’ve actually gotten a lot more work this month. Well, there was a general uptick in work following the end of summer but I was little worried some of my clients would cut back in the face of a recession. And yes, I’m pretty sure we’re in a recession. I’m still worried about how it’ll…
Crazy Busy
It’s been nuts since Thanksgiving. Many of my clients decided to send me new work immediately after Thanksgiving. Not that it’s a bad thing, but it’s all coming at the same time and I’m having trouble meeting deadlines. Seems like everyone wants to get this stuff expensed before the tax year ends. I’m even working…
Busy Week
What happens when you come back after a week of being sick? Backlog of work you need to catch up on. It’s been a busy week – glad it’s over.