Tag: Politics

  • 9.12 DC Tea Party – Widespread Ignorance

    Unbelievable. For every smart person, there’s like 3 dumb, ignorant people in this country. I feel like they need to be segregated or something. It’s really astounding. Freedom, huh? Only in this country are people like this allowed to gather, protest, and spout this kind of BS. I say we have plenty of freedom.

  • It Ain’t Over Yet

    Most polls and electoral map predictions so far put Obama in a very good position with 9 days to go until the election. But it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. Polls are all well and good but the biggest thing I fear is voter fraud and those damn electronic voting machines. I really…

  • Bridge to Nowhere

    I was watching the Vice Presidential debates tonight and wanted to mention a certain moment early in the debate. Biden was responding to Palin about healthcare and he blasted McCain’s plan for a $5,000 healthcare credit (that replaces an employer-paid $12,000 policy) and stomped it down as a “true bridge to nowhere”. Did you guys…

  • McCain and Palin are Just Talking Points (and Liars)

    It’s pretty ridiculous. All they do is spew rehearsed and preplanned talking points. And they lie. They lie like crazy about everything – their own records, Obama, everything. Every interview I’ve seen where the reporter challenged McCain or Palin, they start stuttering, stonewalling, they lie, or end up repeating the same talking points even if…

  • 35 Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush

    http://kucinich.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=93581 Bill Clinton got impeached for lying about the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. Bush lied to the whole country and the world to justify launching a costly, poorly planned, preemptive, and ILLEGAL war. The US invaded a sovereign nation that posed no threat, in violation of domestic and international law and the UN charter. Regardless…