GTA stands for the infamous video game, Grand Theft Auto. Earlier today I was in a supermarket parking lot waiting for a spot, with my signal light blinking. While the original car came out of the spot and drove by me, another car swooped in and stole my spot! I’m refraining from swearing right now about this bi-, I mean woman, but I did start swearing at her. After she got out of the car, seriously, I almost ran her over. If I were less sane, I might have just done it. I let go of the brake and then stopped right behind her as she was walking. The rage. I was waiting there. With my signal light blinking. She had just come into the lot and happened to have the opportunity to steal the spot because the original car coming out was kind of blocking me. I should also note this is a small and very crowded parking lot. So to actually find someone leaving and be there to grab the spot is not easy.
Then this woman had the nerve to tell me she’d be right out, as if I was supposed to wait for her. Of course you can imagine the expletive-filled response I gave her. If it was a guy I might have gotten out of the car and done something about it. I considered keying her car. And chewing up all the tapioca from my bubble tea and hurling it all over her car. But I found another spot, calmed down, and decided what goes around comes around. In fact she was of the ethnicity that believes in karma. So forget about her, who the hell is she anyway? Nobody, so no point making a big fuss about it – I was just really ticked off at that immediate moment.
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