Month: April 2009
Morning Routine
Every morning, as I sit down with my coffee and bagel, I pull up Google Reader and the New York Times. I read some news and wade through my subscribed RSS feeds for interesting stuff. Every morning there’s between 200-400 new items in my reader. I’m subscribed to over 220 feeds, in a whole range…
Taliban Slowly Taking Over Pakistan
I mean seriously – what is up. They’re running wild and the Pakistani government is just letting them. What are we going to do next, invade Pakistan? So not only are we making no progress in Afghanistan, the Taliban’s now taking over Pakistan? Let’s not freakin forget Pakistan has nukes.
Time Warner Cable Bandwidth Caps
Bandwidth caps are bad for consumers, plain and simple. It’s simply a way to squeeze more money out of consumers while the cable company’s costs are largely fixed. Granted, they’re only expanding to a few select markets (including Rochester, NY), but they’ll be crazy to do this in any market where they actually have competition…
There’s been lots of news about pirates recently having taken an American ship and now holding a captain hostage. I think they need to learn that at least when they take American ships, they’ll suffer the consequences. I know nothing’s ever simple, but I wish we would just send in commando teams to retake the…