Tag: Sarah Palin

  • Sarah Palin is a F**king Retard

    From Colbert Report, enjoy:

  • Bridge to Nowhere

    I was watching the Vice Presidential debates tonight and wanted to mention a certain moment early in the debate. Biden was responding to Palin about healthcare and he blasted McCain’s plan for a $5,000 healthcare credit (that replaces an employer-paid $12,000 policy) and stomped it down as a “true bridge to nowhere”. Did you guys…

  • Presenting… Sarah Palin

    These videos speak for themselves. You should be terrified by the idea that if McCain is elected, Palin could very well become President of the United States. She is completely unqualified and the McCain campaign has hid her from the press precisely because she’s unintelligible. By the way, Palin’s favorability numbers are going down the…

  • McCain and Palin are Just Talking Points (and Liars)

    It’s pretty ridiculous. All they do is spew rehearsed and preplanned talking points. And they lie. They lie like crazy about everything – their own records, Obama, everything. Every interview I’ve seen where the reporter challenged McCain or Palin, they start stuttering, stonewalling, they lie, or end up repeating the same talking points even if…