Tag: Barack Obama

  • The Road We’ve Traveled

  • If There’s No Public Plan…

    Then the supposed healthcare “reform” has already failed. Obama’s healthcare reform is about 2 things – cutting both short and long term costs and expanding coverage to those who don’t have health insurance. Cutting costs should be a normal thing, it shouldn’t be called reform when you try to make things more efficient and operate…

  • What I Don’t Get About the AIG Bonuses

    Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t bonuses tied to performance? When your company experiences such massive losses that it needs huge government infusions to keep operating, explain to me how a bonus is justified. Explain why they’re contractually obligated when the business has performed so poorly. It doesn’t make any sense.

  • Barack Obama Elected as President of the United States

    Wow. I don’t know what else to say. I’m feeling a mixture of happiness, relief, and real hope for the next 8 years.

  • Obama’s 30 Minute Infomercial

    Any Presidential campaign with enough money to pull something like this off would jump at the chance to do it. Obama’s campaign is unrivaled in size, depth, scope, and coherence. That’s been made possible by millions of ordinary people donating to his campaign, completely shattering fundraising records. McCain would be an absolute hypocrit if he…

  • It Ain’t Over Yet

    Most polls and electoral map predictions so far put Obama in a very good position with 9 days to go until the election. But it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. Polls are all well and good but the biggest thing I fear is voter fraud and those damn electronic voting machines. I really…

  • Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

    He makes a very well articulated statement on why he supports Barack Obama as opposed to John McCain. Colin Powell on Meet the Press (MSNBC)

  • Do People Even Realize…

    That George W. Bush is one of the worst Presidents we’ve had in history (if not the worse)? In his 8-year tenure, he has utterly failed in every respect. This country is so much worse than it was 8 years ago that’s it’s really just downright sad. People can do their own research but let…

  • Bridge to Nowhere

    I was watching the Vice Presidential debates tonight and wanted to mention a certain moment early in the debate. Biden was responding to Palin about healthcare and he blasted McCain’s plan for a $5,000 healthcare credit (that replaces an employer-paid $12,000 policy) and stomped it down as a “true bridge to nowhere”. Did you guys…

  • Vote This November

    This is one of the most important elections of our time and I encourage everyone to get out there and vote. My views are pretty clear on this blog but whatever your views are, you should vote. Register now if you’re not registered. Make sure your address is updated with your state and you know…