Category: Asides

  • No Interest in NBA Playoffs

    Since both the Lakers (what a bummer) and Knicks are out, I’ve lost a lot of interest in the NBA playoffs. I just don’t want Miami to win. I’m thinking the Bulls are going to win the championship this year. I’m not feeling the Mavs or Thunder. And that leaves the Grizzlies but I think…

  • No Escape Plan for Bin Laden?

    I find it really strange that someone like Bin Laden didn’t have some type of rapid escape plan for exactly the type of raid the United States conducted that ended with his death. You would assume the most wanted fugitive on the planet would expect that some day the U.S. might figure out where he…

  • What’s Good #2

    By day, Obama is releasing his long form birth certificate and ridiculing billionaires to their face. By night, he is overseeing the plan to take out the most wanted fugitive on the planet. Badass. Behind the Hunt for Bin Laden.

  • Osama Bin Laden Killed by U.S.

    Wow. Well 10 years later, we finally got Osama Bin Laden, the founder/leader of Al Qaeda, responsible for the 9/11 attacks. By most accounts, in recent years he had very little operational control of Al Qaeda and its affiliates, but nevertheless he’s major symbol in the war on terror. This is what happens when you…

  • What’s Good #1

    New random post series on random topics, also randomly called “What’s Good” which may or may not have a #2. Yes, ok. Man, can’t believe the Spurs actually got eliminated.. Grizzlies even took Game 1 from Thunder today. Donald Trump got humiliated at the Correpondents’ Dinner. Seriously, Obama roasted him real good and Seth Meyers…

  • Syrian Troops Open Fire on Protesters in Several Cities

    NY Times: Syrian Troops Open Fire on Protesters in Several Cities. We don’t particularly like Syria either. Say the protests escalate as protesters arm themselves. Syrian military clashes with civilians and responds the same way Libya did. Do we also start bombing Syria? If so, when does it stop exactly? What about Yemen too? You…

  • Donate for Japan Earthquake Tsunami Disaster

    American Red Cross: Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami


    I’ve been having a bad bout of insomnia the last 2 weeks or so. Need some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ’s.

  • Intervention in Libya? No.

    I read articles like Discord Fills Washington on Possible Libya Intervention and I think to myself, “why the hell do we think we have the right to intervene in another sovereign country’s internal affairs?” Yes, we are the lone superpower and consume a disproportionate amount of the world’s natural resources. So that comes with a…

  • [Australia Open 2011] Federer v. Simon

    I should’ve gone to bed earlier but I had about 2 hours before I got up at 5am to watch this match. It looked like I could sneak in some more sleep after The Mighty Fed dominated Simon in the first 2 sets. But it just had to go 5 sets. Sheesh. Before that match…